Jun 24, 2012

some english jokes

A boy came home from school one day. His father asked him how his day was and the boy said, "Well Dad, I looked stupid because I did not know the difference between potential and reality."

His dad says, "Well son, go ask your mother if she would sleep with our next door neighbor for a million dollars." 

He came back with a shocked look on his face and said, "Dad, she said, 'Yes!".

"OK son, now go and ask your sister the same question."

some funny nepali jokes

अध्ययनका समयमा क्लासको फस्टबेन्चमा बस्नेहरू : प्रश्नपत्र एकदमै गाह्रो आको हो, तर पनि ९५ त आउँछ ।

सेकेन्ड बेन्चर्स : हे, एउटा कोइसन त भ्याइएन हौ,

थर्ड बेन्चर्स : स्योर पास भइन्छ

फोर्थ बेन्चर्स : हे भगवान !! प्लिज हेल्प मि

लास्ट बेन्चर्स : गार्डचाहिँ साँच्चिकै सेक्सी हो यार, परीक्षाको ३ घन्टा समय बितेको पत्तै भएन।

a hindu man in USA get heart attack - joke

A Hindu MAN In USA Falls On Road
Due To Heart Attack..
Ambulance Picks Him Up, he Starts
Hari Om..
Hari Om..
Ambulance Reaches His House..
Wife Screams : "Why Did You Not
Take Him To Hospital ? "
Dr Replies- "He Kept Saying Hurry
Home,Hurry Home"

Modern - remix ramayan - sms to Sita from Ram

Modern रामायणमा
रामको sms सिता लाई

प्रिय सितु, ...
म यहाँ मस्त छु ! and i hope तिमि पनि झक्कास छौ होला !!
लक्ष्मन् ले जहिले पनि तिमीलाई मिसगर्छ ! यार तिमि टेन्सन नलेउ म तिमीलाई छिटो भन्दा छिटो रावणको बाट छुटाएर ल्याउछु ! 
मैले NTC को सिम लेको छु !! अनि रावण को नम्बर मा कल गरेर मैले धेरै गाली देको छु ! 
साले ले battery low भयो भनेर फोन नै काटी दियो ! 
मैले तिमीलाई micromax को 30days battery dual सिम वाला mobile अनि 1GB कार्ड sad song हालेर मिस्टर हनुमान को साथ मा पठाउदै छु !
यसमा net surfing पनि छ ! अब तिमि र म net calling को मजा पनि लिन पाउछौ लक्ष्मन् topup कार्ड लिन गएको छ !
अनि सुनमैले बिभुसन लाई फेसबुक मा add गरेको छु लंका मा के हुदै छ सबै कुरा status मा अपडेट गर्दिन्छ !!

लौ त पछी chat मा कुरा गरौला bye
sweet heart

A man escapes from prison - jokes

A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed. 
He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair, while tying the girl to the bed he gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom. 
While he's in there, the husband tells his wife: "Listen, this guy's an escaped convict, look at his clothes! He probably spent lots of time in jail and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck." If he wants s*x, don't resist, don't complain, do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is probably very dangerous. If he gets angry, he'll k*ll us. Be strong, honey. I love you."
To which his wife responds: "He wasn't kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear. He told me he was gay, thought you were cute, and asked me if we had any vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you too!!"

Five Important Qualities of a good wife

Five Important Qualities of a good wife  - a joke

1. It's important to have a woman, who helps at home, who cooks from time to time, cleans up and has a job.
2. It's important to have a woman, who can make you laugh. 
3. It's important to have a woman, who you can trust and who doesn't lie to you. 
4. It's important to have a woman, who is good in bed and who likes to be with you. 
5. It's very, very important that these four women do not know each other.

joke - I thought you guys were listening to Justin Bieber.

Some funny mature jokes 

A)A girlfriend and boyfriend walked into the girlfriends house and the girlfriend said to her mom, "Mom, me and my boyfriend are going up to my room" and the mom says, "Ok honey, you kids have fun." 
When they are up their the mom hears: "Baby baby baby oh!" 
The mom walks to the door and ask, "What the hell is going on?" 
The girl says, "Mom were just having s*x." and the mom says, "Oh thank god I thought you guys were listening to Justin Bieber.

A man gets home early from work and hears strange noises coming from the bedroom. 
He rushes upstairs to find his wife naked on the bed, sweating and panting. 
"What's up?" he says. 
"I'm having a heart attack," cries the woman. 
He rushes downstairs to grab the phone for ambulance, but just as he's dialing, his 4-year-old son comes up and says, "Daddy! Daddy! Uncle Fred is hiding in your closet and he's got no clothes on!"
The man slams the phone down and storms upstairs into the bedroom, past his screaming wife, and rips open the wardrobe door. Sure enough, there is his brother, totally naked, covering on the closet floor.
"You b*stard," the man says," my wife is having a heart attack and you're running around naked scaring the kids!"

some cool morals - funny quotes

Cool Morals: 

1. Money is not everything. There's also MasterCard & Visa. 
2. One should love animals. They are tasty too. 
3. Save water. Drink beer. 
4. Studying is healthy. So leave it for the sick. 
5. Books are holy. So don't touch them. 
6. Love your neighbor. But don't get caught. 
7. Every one should marry because happiness is not the only thing in life...

some random funny jokes for time pass :D

Wife: Darling today is our anniversary, what should we do? 
Husband: Let us stand in silence for 2 minutes.

A professor's sorrow 

I don't mind when students look at their watch during lectures, 

But what hurts me , is when they remove their watch & shake it to see if its working :D :D

Jun 19, 2012

a brilliant engineer joke

An engineer having no child, no money, no home and a blind mother....
One day he prays to god.

And finally ... God says he will grant him One wish.

Engineer: I want my
mother to see my wife
putting diamond bangles
on my child's hands in our
new bunglow.

God: Damn! I still have a
lot to learn from these

lazy scientist and deleting one word after another in a sentence can lead to a nice story - two jokes

Ever noticed how deleting one word after another in a
sentence can lead to a nice story?
Here's an example:
"Oh jack plz dont touch me at all.. !"
"Oh Jack plz dont touch me at..!"
"Oh Jack plz dont touch..!"
"Oh Jack plz dont..!"
"Oh Jack plz...!"
"oh Jack..!"
"Ohh... .!

school, job and life 3 jokes

This quote describes condition of classrooms:
"Everything !s much more funnier when we are not allowed to laugh.."

Jun 14, 2012

don't mess-up with guy -10 हजार एक रातको ??

एउटि केटि cafe मा एक्लै बसिरहेकि थि 

एक्लै देखेर एउटा केटालेगयेर भन्यो

के म तपाई संग  बस्न सक्छु ???
केटि (चिच्याई) : नाई , हुदैन आजको रात म तिमि संग बिताऊन सक्दिन...!!!

त्यत्रो भिडभाड मा सबै जानाले उनिहरुलाई हेर्न थाले ..!!
बिचरा केटो लाजले रातो  पिरो भयो ..!!

केहि छिन पछि केटिले त्यस केटा संग माफि मागिन

अनि बिस्तारै भनिन :त्यो के भने म " HUMAN NATURE को बारेमा अध्यान गर्दै छु

त्यसैले, जान्न चाहान्छु कि मान्छे ले लजाउदा(बेज्जत) हुदा कस्तो प्रतिक्रिया जनाउछन..!!"
फेरि अचानक
केटो (चिच्यायो) : What...?? 10 हजार एक रात ..??
यो त अतिनै भयो अलिक कम गरन plz ..!!
सबैजाना केटिलाई हेरेर हास्न थाले..!!
अनि केटाले बिस्तारै भन्यो : "लु अब आफै अनुभब गर..!!:

joke- Similarity Between Washing Machine & Girls?

Questions : Whats the Similarity Between Washing Machine & Girls? 
Answer: Even If 1 Of These Is Not Available Then U Have To Use Ur Hands.

wife husband- think twice before speak :D

WIFE : What would you do if I die? Would you get married

WIFE : Why not? Don't you like being married?
HUSBAND : Of course I do.

WIFE : Then why wouldn't you remarry? 
HUSBAND : Ok, ok, I'd get married again.

WIFE : Would you live in our house?
HUSBAND : Yes, its a great house.

WIFE : Would you let her drive my car?
HUSBAND : Yes, its almost new.

WIFE : Would you give her my jewelry?
HUSBAND : No, I'm sure she would want her own.

WIFE : Would she wear my shoes?
HUSBAND : No, her size is 6.

WIFE : --silence-
HUSBAND : Oh 'shit'... :-O:-O =P

Jun 8, 2012

don't compare girl friend with moon

जसले आफ्नो गर्लफ्र्येंड लाई चन्द्रमा मान्नु हुन्छ.
वहा हरुले एउटा कुरा के ध्यान दिनु भन्दा....

चन्द्रमा मा १७ जना मान्छेहरु चडीसकेकाछन

र सायद एउटा कुकुर पनि..... :D

श्रीमती श्रीमान जेठाजु तौलिया

धारामा नुहाऐर फ़र्किऐपछि श्रीमतीले स्श्रिमान लाई भनिछ 
श्रीमति - नुहाऐर एउटा तौलिया मात्र बेरेर फ़र्किदा बाटामा जेठाजु भेटिनु भो
श्रिमान - अनि के गरिस त ?
श्रीमति - त्यै तौलिया निकालेर टाउको छोपे...

ear vs dick- which is straight ?

दुईजना केटिहरु chatting गर्दै

पहिलो केटि: ओई तलाई थाहा छ,
जब केटाहरु
हाम्रो नजिक आउछन उनिहरुको कान ठाडो हुन्छ
दोश्रो केटि: तलाई फेरि कसले
भन्यो नि त्यसलाई कान
भन्छ भनेर?:D

women rub eyes when they wake up

Why do woman rub their
eyes when they woke up??
.. ..
. .
because they do not have balls to scratch.

time schedule of nepali student

टिभी - ३ घण्टा
फेसबुक - २ घण्टा
सुत्न - १२ घण्टा
खेल्न - ३ घण्टा
साथीसंग - २ घण्टा
लवरसंग -२ घण्टा
अनि पढाइ - "घण्टा"

joke-Ghost goes to barbar shop

A ghost went 4 haircut.
Barber said-'Pachi aau ma ali busy chu...'
[ I am little Busy, please come back later]

ghost said somthng n barbr fainted.

"Tauko chodera gairako chu....ekchin pachi aauchu..."
[Then, I will leave my head here, I will collect it later]